Friday, March 31, 2006

Finally - Something Happened on "Lost"

I've been really disappointed with Lost the season, mostly because all of the episodes have developed the plot about as much as 1 episode did during the first season. But this past Wednesday they finally covered something about the hatch again, and while it wasn't much, it was at least something.

Now there are many MAJOR Lost fans on the Internets, and while I'm a fan, I'm not going frame-by-frame through the show to try and see everything there is to see. Lucky for me, there are fans who have done this, and they screencapped the blastdoor map that Locke saw in blacklight, and they even transcribed the writing that was on it. This is what they came up with.

After reading through the notes the island makes even less sense to me than it did before, so now I can only hope that it doesn't take them another 10 episodes before the plot moves forward again.

* For those of you that don't watch "Lost," this post won't make much sense. If you have a Tivo or some kind of DVR, you really should tape it. I know this season is a lot worse than the first season, but it's still better than most everything else on TV.


At 3/31/2006 2:28 PM, Blogger Andy said...

i actually like the second season better. it's similar to thinking godfather III was a good movie.

At 4/01/2006 11:08 AM, Blogger JB said...

What gets me more than the slow progression (which I believe to be caused by the backstories--and I personally love those and am glad they are still a part of each episode)is the 18-week breaks between episodes. I think it's a little arrogant of them to assume we'll all come back to watch after such long breaks...but we do. So I guess they can.

At 4/03/2006 9:51 AM, Blogger Jezebel said...

Sometimes I hate the flashbacks so much because, yes, we know Jack has daddy issues, and yes, we know Locke has daddy-issues, and yes, we know Kate is guy-happy. But I do love all the little tie-ins: Locke inspects Sayid's Nadia's house, Sayid gets drafted into being a translator by Kate's dad, Sawyer goes to Kate's mom's diner, Hurley's on TV at Jin's house... awesomeness. But it almost always takes a Tivo rewind for me to catch these things.


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