Thursday, April 20, 2006

Happy High Five Day!

As you probably know, today is a sacred holiday for college kids all over the country. There's no better time than a perfect spring day to grin and cackle foolishly, pass around hits, and share in a time-honored tradition. We enjoy this celebration ever April as a way to gather in friendship, meditate with new perspectives, and show our appreciation for the community. Today is National High Five Day.

Check out this website for a brief history of the high five and other excellent resources and videos. Be a pal, offer someone a high five today.

Also, read this, but not while drinking anything or near people being serious.


At 4/25/2006 11:38 AM, Blogger asianpixie said...

Oh how I miss college.

On 4/20, I sat at work and let the day pass by. Sad. Being an adult sucks.

At 4/27/2006 3:37 PM, Blogger MKD said...

I realized it was 4/20 on 4/21. Then people laughed at me. Then we all went and ate some Cheetos.


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